As a member or guest of the Melville Bowling Club, always ensure you conduct yourself in an acceptable and professional manner both on and off the bowling greens. Another description is to adhere to the old cliché “do unto others as you would have others do to you”. That may sound a bit simplistic so I will outline some basic guidelines:

Always be courteous and show respect to all bowlers, members, staff and guests.
Never behave in a way that would bring you, your club or the game into disrepute.
Uphold the laws of the game and be gracious in defeat and humble in victory.
Avoid all forms of harassment towards club members, staff, competitors and guests.
Respectable dress standards to be adhered to at all times. As a minimum, shirt, shorts and appropriate footwear to be worn whenever in the club precinct. Bowling shoes to be worn or barefeet on bowling greens.
Smoking is not permitted in the clubhouse or on the greens except in designated areas.
Offensive behaviour, bullying or discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.
All members are expected to adhere to the club constitution and by-laws.
Avoid giving offence to others: remember the 2T’s – THINK before talk! (applies to behaviour as well).
Finally, may common sense always prevail.

This subject is not contained in the rules of the game but it is a major part of the conduct of the Melville Bowling and Recreation Club and has been since the club began.